On February 17th, 2020, the 6-th Information Session was organized by the ReSTART project team of the Moldova State University (P5_USM) in the framework of the Erasmus + ReSTART project (Strengthening entrepreneurial and digital skills of students and teachers to improve the process Modernization of Higher Education in MOLDOVA, no.585353 – PPE-1-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).
The purpose of the event was to inform students and teachers about the possibilities offered by the ReSTART project on the implementation and use of modern teaching and learning methods in the process of modernizing the master’s programs in general and of the Master’s degree program “Business Administration” in particular.
During the event, the project team described the content and peculiarities of the project. Then a question-and-answer session was organized, which allowed to materialize all aspects related to the modernization of the teaching process within the Faculty of Business and Administration at the master’s level.
The information provided was of interest to the teachers from the Economic Sciences Faculty of MSU, which subsequently served as an additional motivating factor for studying modern teaching methods, especially the MOODLE system.
Additional information on the ReSTART project: http://www.restart-eu.upb.ro/about-us/