Acronym | CLEANWATER |
Reference number | HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01/101131382 |
Implementation period | 2024-2027 |
Budget | 54.300 Euro |
Partners | Universidad de Alicante (UALI), Spain
Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem (BME), Hungary Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej (UMCS), Poland Ustav Geotechniky Slovenskej Akademie Vied (UGT SAV), Slovakia ENVIRONCENTRUM SRO (ENV), Slovakia Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine Tov. Naukovo Vyrobniche Pidriemstvo Tehnologika (Technologika), Ukraine Scientific and Engineering Group «Pulsar» LLC (Pulsar), Ukraine Moldova State University (Institute of Chemistry), Republic of Moldova Kazakh National Research Technical University after K I Satpayev (KazNTU), Kazakhstan Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico (TecNM), Mexico Kingston University Higher Education Corporation (KU), United Kingdom Advanced nanostructured materials design and consultancy Limited (ANAMAD), United Kingdom Laboratories/Centers Centre of Ecological Chemistry and Environmental Protection Laboratory of Ecological Chemistry Laboratory of Water Chemistry |
Description | Contamination of drinking water is a pressing global issue, particularly in rural areas and among vulnerable populations. There is a need for simple, efficient, and affordable solutions to reduce contaminants, including pathogens and chemicals. The CLEANWATER project aims to develop multicomponent sorbents made from safe materials that can purify water and also be used as dietary supplements to remove contaminants from the human body. |
Institutional coordinator | Dr., assoc. prof. NASTAS Raisa |
Contacts | Site: https://ichem.md/en/CLEANWATER , |