Title Chair Jean Monnet on EU Studies for Human Rights Protection and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Acronym EU4JUST
Reference number 101085276 — EU4JUST — ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH
Implementation period 01.11.2022-31.10.2025
Budget 50.000 Euro
Partners Henri Capitant Association of Legal Culture / AHCCJ

European Institute for Initiatives, Reforms and Education /ASPIRE

Moldova State University

Description The development and recognition of citizens’ skills and competencies are crucial for individual growth, competitiveness, employment, and social cohesion. Moldova has made significant strides towards EU integration but still faces challenges in translating plans into tangible outcomes. This is partly due to a lack of understanding of EU institutions and policies. The project’s innovation lies in its focus on in-depth teaching and events about EU Human Rights (HR) and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) policies, supported by a new ADR textbook. It also aims to involve students from non-law faculties and public servants, such as judges.
Institutional coordinator Dr.hab., Plotnic Olesea, State University of Moldova
Contacts Site:https://eu4just.md/
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