Title Enhancing Graduates’ Employability Tracking in Moldova
Reference number 101129166
Implementation period 01.11.2023-31.10.2026
Budget 106.247.00 Euro
Partners Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Moldova State University

Alecu Russo Balti State University

B.P. Hasdeu State University of Cahul

Comrat State University

Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research

Aspire — European Institute for Initiatives, Reforms, and Education

University of Valencia

Deggendorf Institute of Technology

1 Decembrie 1918 University

Description The UPGRADE project aims to enhance the monitoring of graduate employability in Moldova’s higher education sector. Objectives include establishing national consensus among stakeholders, improving legislative frameworks, building institutional capacities, and designing the first pilot graduate employability survey. The project will transfer EU experience and create a national portal for tracking employability, thereby strengthening higher education institutions’ capabilities.
Institutional coordinator Otilia DANDARA, prof. univ.
Contacts https://upgrade.usm.md/
Site: https://upgrade-project.ase.md/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UPGRADEproject.Moldova/?_rdr
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