Moldova Higer Education Leadership and Management (MHELM)
- Despre proiect
Nr. 609656-EPP-1-2019-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP – Moldova Higer Education Leadership and Management (MHELM
Duration of the project: 15/11/2019 – 14/11/2022
EC Grant: 844,453,00 €
Wider Objective. Strengthen governance, strategic planning and management in Moldovan universities, in order to support reform of the sector through increases in leadership and management capacity and capability.
Specific objectives:
- Establish where best practice in EU partner universities on the design and delivery of development programmes can be applied to increase the leadership and management capacity of Moldovan universities;
- Create a higher education leadership and management development programme focused on governance, strategic planning and management, that is appropriate for delivery in Moldovan universities;
- Train the staff of Moldovan universities in the delivery of the leadership and management development programme;
- Create an infrastructure to support and sustain the leadership and management development programme;
- Pilot and then implement the new leadership and management development programme in Moldovan universities;
- Disseminate the new programme and findings, after its implementation, for higher education across Moldovan universities, the EU, and internationally.
- Partners
Coordinator: Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei
Partners from Moldova:
- Universitatea de Stat din Moldova,
- Universitatea de Stat “Alecu Russo” din Bălți,
- Academia de Studii Economice,
- Universitatea Agrară de Stat Moldova,
- Universitatea de Stat “Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu” din Cahul
- Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie “Nicolae Testemițanu”
- MinisterulEducației,CulturiișiCercetăriialR.Moldova
EU Partners:
- Gloucester University, UK
- ISOB Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH, Germany
- Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov, Romania
- Work Plan
WP1. Preparation. Ensure an effective launch of the MHELM Project.
Preparing appropriate system and structures to manage the project. Develop Management, Advisory Group and External Evaluatorstructures.
Project Management plan. Kick of meeting launched. Systemand structures to manage the project.
WP2.1 Developing the new Leadership and Management Development Programme and Equipping the Leadership Development Labs.
- Research visits to EU partners. Reviewing EU best practice;
- Creating the structure and materials of the staff training workshops and the new LMDP:
- Train staff in the delivery of the LMDP;
- Create program on governance, strategic planning & management.
- Obtaining approval for the programme from CDSI and Senates;
- Tendering, procuring, and installing equipment for Leadership Development Labs.
Documentation of new LMDP. Leadership Development Labs.
WP 2.2. Piloting of the new Leadership and Management Development Programme
- Deliver staff training on use of equipment and the leadership development labs;
- Deliver and evaluate staff training workshop pilot;
- Redevelop staff training workshop materials based on pilot evaluation;
- Deliver and evaluate leadership and management programme pilot;
- Redevelop leadership and management development programme materials based on pilot evaluation.
Staff Training Workshops Piloted and Evaluated; Piloted and Evaluated of the new Leadership and Management Development Programme; Pilot Review Workshop.
WP2.3. Implementation of the new Leadership and Management Development Programme.
- Translation of materials into Romanian;
- Implementation of the leadership and management development programme at each Moldovan partner university;
- Mentoring by EU partners of delivery staff during the implementation of staff training workshops and the new LMD Programme;
- Evaluation and refinement of staff training workshops materials for dissemination.
Staff Training Workshop and new LMDP materials translated into Romanian; Staff Training Workshops implemented; New Leadership and Management Development Programme implemented; Implementation Evaluation Workshop
WP3.Quality Control and Monitoring
Quarterly Progress Reporting. Work Package Lead (WPL) Feedback. External Evaluator. Advisory Group.
Raportarea trimestrială a progresului în implementarea proiectului. Feedbackdin partea liderului de PL. Evaluator extern. Grup consultativ.
WP 4. Dissemination
- Activities
- Dissemination