The aim of eDrone proposal is to define a learning environment to deliver more opportunities to access new competences related to the use of drone technologies in professional activities. These new competences refer in particular to the use of advanced ICT solutions for the use of drones and of the data acquired through drones that may go a long way towards the goals and priorities in terms of optimization of the professional competences, that have already been stated in the Social-economic Development Strategy 2020 of all the Parter Countries, and in terms of creating new job opportunities, especially for youth that is strongly encouraged by Europe 2020 strategy as stated in the European Commission Communication “Youth on the Move”.
The use of drones by professionals will open new scenarios requiring practical and theoretical knowledge that are beyond the simple driving and mantainance of drones:
- drone mechanical characteristics,
- sensing equipment,
- processing and use of the acquired information, and
- national and local laws regulating their use.
The main objective of the eDrone project is to provide higher education institutions in the Partner Countries with effective and efficient instruments to setup Offices for Education for Drones (OED), for the transferring of all the above mentioned knowledges to professionals of each Partner Country. Moreover, the project aims at realizing an innovative ICT-based infrastructure employing enhanced technologies and methodologies allowing all the Partner Countries to create a network for sharing educational contents and databases to professionals. Such infrastructure will be used to support OED in the technological and scientific transfer to professionals. The Programme Countries will transfer their know-how and expertise for the achievement of the eDrone objectives by training the future teachers of the OED and by supporting them in the first edition of the OED.
Official site of the project: