About project: The project aims to improve quality of teaching and learning methodologies and higher education programmes in Moldova while enhancing their relevance for the labour market and disadvantaged groups in the society. PBLMD intends to introduce new, innovative (for the context of Moldovan universities) teaching and learning methodologies and methods, such as Problem Based Learning (PBL), Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) and Simulations and re-designing 6 study programmes on the basis of these methods at 6 universities.

The project also has a special mobility strand under which bachelor students and academic staff from Moldova will travel to EU project partners for studying and training.

Duration: October 15, 2015 – October 15, 2018

Coordinator: Aalborg University (Denmark, www.aau.dk)


Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden, www.kth.se)

University of Gloucestershire (UK, www.glos.ac.uk)

University of Siegen (Germany, www.uni-siegen.de)

Academy of Economic Sciences of Moldova (www.ase.md)

Moldova State University(www.usm.md)

State University of Balti “Alecu Russo” (www.usarb.md)

State University of Cahul “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” (www.usch.md)

State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu” (www.usmf.md)

Technical University of Moldova (www.utm.md).

Buget: The total budget of the project is €1,544,760, of which €657,275 is student and academic staff mobility.

The main outputs of PBLMD project are 7 redesigned – partly or fully – study programs based on Student-Centered Action Learning (SCAL) or other new methods of teaching and learning:

BSc in Business Administration (Academy of Economic Studies)

BSc in Information Technology (Technical University of Moldova)

BSc in Industrial Design (Technical University of Moldova/SEED (USAID funded))

BSc in Law (Moldova State University) BSc in Public Administration (Balti State University)

BSc in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration (Cahul State University)

BA in Medicine (Medical State University)

Another group of outputs is 6 Pedagogical training programmes, developed by each participating Moldovan University.

Official site of the project: http://www.pblmd.aau.dk/

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