The Special Mobility Strand (hereafter referred to as SMS) represents an additional support provided by the EU to the selected Erasmus+ Capacity Building

in Higher Education (hereafter referred to as CBHE) Joint and Structural projects in order to finance international mobility of students and staff for studying, training and teaching purposes.

PBLMD project received an additional grant for SMS which amounts 657.275,00 euro. It is planned, that the funding will be used to finance up to 90 individual mobility grants for staff and 90 student mobility scholarships,  including 15 staff and 15 students mobilities to be conducted within the study program BSc in Law of MSU.

Each project partner is responsible for the selection of candidates for staff mobility, following the general mobility guidelines and the inclusion criteria agreed by the partners: the candidates (1) are part of Study Programme Development and Training Programme Development teams; (2) took part in project training activities; (3) will be part of implementation teams.

Student mobilities within this Mobility Strand are intended only for students enrolled in the study program BSc in Law (applying PBL).

The mobility period is September 2018 – January 2019.

The student mobility for Autumn 2018 will be announced in September 2017 with selection of students to be finalized in January-February 2018.

The contact person for the academic mobilities: Liliana Turcan, PhD, assoc. prof., vice-dean of Faculty of Law, e-mail:

Staff Mobility

Students Mobility

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