General information

The higher education system in Republic of Moldova is structured on three cycles (with exception of architecture; medical and pharmaceutical education):

Cycle I – Bachelor (3-4 years; 180-240 credits);

Cycle II – Master (1.5-2 years; 90-120 credits, 30 credits for each semester);

Cycle III – Ph.D. (3-4 years; 180 credits).

Grading scale

The grading scale runs from 1 to 10 and the marks have the following meanings: 1-4 fail, 5-6 sufficient, 7 satisfactory, 8 good, 9 very good, 10 excellent. Recommended ECTS grades:

A: 9,01-10,0;

B: 8,01-9,0;

C: 7,01-8,0;

D: 6,01-7,0;

E: 5,0-6,0;

FX: 3,01-4,99;

F: 1,0-3,0.

The total number of ECTS credits for one semester is 30 (thirty) and for one academic year is 60 (sixty).

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