Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia
Nr. 617393-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Acronym: CONNECT
Type of the project: Joint project
Duration of the project: 15/01/2021 – 14/01/2024 (36 months)
Maximum Grant: 932.798,00 €
To reinforce university-industry relationship based on smart (tailored) entrepreneurial approach in HEIs from Eastern Partnership countries and enhancement of students’ and graduates’ competitive intelligence (behaviors, skills, mindsets) and their ability to create jobs.
- Increase the teaching and learning capacity of MD, AM, GE universities thanks to the Programme Countries best practice on entrepreneurship, digital, communication and artistic/self-expression education.
- Improve students’ entrepreneurial behaviours, skills, mindsets of future start-ups and support recently incorporated companies at university settings.
- Foster the infrastructure of co-creative hubs which support students who generate, develop, market their own innovative ideas through entrepreneurship &/or open innovation in three EaPC countries.
- Introduce & implement the new and innovative form of interconnection of university-enterprise systems through join activities.
- Improve involvement of students who do not automatically come into contact with entrepreneurial studies and enhance problem-based learning, entrepreneurial skills, behaviors, mindsets through the interdisciplinary approach by revising of curricula and dissemination events.
Coordinator: Moldova State University
EU partners:
- National University of Theatre and Film «I.L. Caragiale», ROMANIA
- «RISEBA» University of Business, Arts and Technology, LATVIA
- Anthology Mgmt. LLC, GREECE
- Lappeenranta University of Technology, FINLAND
NON-EU partners:
- State Agrarian University of Moldova
- Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts
- Technical University of Moldova
- Alecu Russo Balti State University
- Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences
- Vnadzor State University
- NGO Creativity
- Ilia State University
- Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University